7th International ART and the CITY Conference

Université Côte d'Azur

Villa Arson


05-08 June 2025

Institutional Support

The Carlsberg Foundation is one of the world’s oldest industrial foundations. Here, ambitious brewing enterprise blossoms side by side with research and support for the finest science, art and culture. The Carlsberg Foundation supports the best researchers with the most promising projects. The Foundation aims to promote internationalisation and strengthen the growth layer in Danish basic research by supporting the most talented young researchers. The Foundation therefore sends researchers to the most highly acclaimed universities in the world to give them an international experience and network. The Carlsberg Foundation also prioritises research across scientific disciplines. It is often in cross-over areas that real ground-breaking results are achieved. Bringing together researchers who do not normally share results can lead to exciting innovation. In keeping with the Charter, research supported by the Carlsberg Foundation is conducted by Danish and international researchers connected to the Danish research environment.
2024 THE MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE  for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen 2024 THE MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen
The Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen is one of the foremost centers for the multi-disciplinary study of diversity, in its multiple forms, in today’s globalizing world. The study areas encompass the relationship between mobility and inequality; the interaction of globalization, religious diversity, and the secular state; the legal boundaries of cultural accommodation; global cities and super-diversity within them; new forms of membership and belonging; and the trans-bordering networking of ethnic and religious minorities. These thematic clusters provide a glimpse into the foundational queries that animate the rigorous scholarly investigation pursued by researchers at the Institute through a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including, but not limited to, anthropology, sociology, political science, and law.
The Villa Arson Nice, also referred to as the École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts à la Villa Arson (National School of Fine Arts at the Villa Arson), is a French art museum, elite school and research institution for contemporary art, located in Nice, France. It is home to the École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Nice (National School of Fine Arts of Nice) and the Centre Nationale d'Art Contemporain (National Centre for Contemporary Art), and was created under a ministerial charter in 1972 by the Ministry of Culture. Internationally renowned, the Villa Arson has been a place of reference in the field of visual arts for nearly 50 years.
2023 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Global Centers-Amman 2023 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Global Centers-Amman
Columbia University Global Centers (CGC)help increase international content in the classroom; supplement the curriculum with international study abroad, internship opportunities, and course offerings; provide resources needed to attract students from abroad; facilitate research opportunities for Columbia students and faculty on globally relevant, interdisciplinary topics; and provide a point of ongoing engagement for international alumni. CGC Amman serves as a hub for programs and educational initiatives throughout the Middle East. The Center offers Columbia university students and faculty opportunities to expand scholarship, knowledge exchange and skill development with academics, experts and practitioners throughout the region.
2021 AIAS-Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies 2021 AIAS-Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies
Curiosity-driven and independent research for excellent scholars from all disciplines is the hallmark of the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS). AIAS focuses exclusively on research excellence and training of research talent. The mission of AIAS is to advance the highest quality research at Aarhus University and to strengthen international research collaboration by attracting talented, highly qualified researchers worldwide and from all academic disciplines. The goals for AIAS are ambitious and reflect the increasingly influential position of AU as a world-class research university. Most importantly, AIAS reflects the commitment of AU and other stakeholders to support research talent and realize the promise inherent in the research endeavor. AIAS includes a comprehensive spectrum of disciplines with a view to foster cutting edge research results.
2020 EUME- Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin 2020 EUME- Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin
EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST—THE MIDDLE EAST IN EUROPE (EUME) is a multi-disciplinary research program at the Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien. EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. Within the framework of several research fields in the disciplines of Literature, Political Philosophy, Urban History, Philology-cum-Late Antiquity, and Islamic Studies, the program attempts to recollect the legacies of Europe in the Middle East and of the Middle East in Europe in an inclusive way that aims to do justice to their entanglements. The program creates a platform that rests upon the idea of “learning communities” (Wolf Lepenies) and the principle of “research with rather than research on”. It allows for the invitation of postdoctoral researchers, the organization of regular seminars, lectures, workshops and summer academies, that strengthen and modify existing research groups and contexts in Germany, beyond academic circles.
2019 MSH-La Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Val de Loire 2019 MSH-La Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Val de Loire
La Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Val de Loire (MSH VdL) is a federative structure of research teams in the human and social sciences (SHS) in France, which currently brings together 22 laboratories located between Tours and Orléans. Placed under the tutelage of the CNRS, University of Tours and the University of Orléans, it is a service and research unit (USR 3501). Member of the Scientific Interest Grouping National Network of Human Sciences Houses, the MSH VdL aims to promote interdisciplinarity in the field of SHS by the development of partnerships in the National Network of MSH to support young researchers and emerging projects, and interdisciplinary and international exchanges.
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