7th International ART and the CITY Conference

Université Côte d'Azur

Villa Arson


05-08 June 2025

Program 2023 & 2024

                          PROGRAM 2024


                                   3 JUNE 2024


09:30-09:45 Opening Speech: Tijen Tunali, Art History and Theory, University of Rennes 2

Artistic Resistance and Sustainable Urban Life


09:45-10:30 Keynote: Prof. Eva Branscome, Architecture and Cultural Heritage, Bartlett School of Architecture

Marching across South Africa: The Vortrekker Monument in Pretoria as a site of Cultural Contestation



                                                  COFFEE BREAK 10:30-10:45



SESSION 1 Politics of Public Monuments and Cultural Heritage


Chair: Panos Leventis Architecture, Drury University

10:45  Pedro Andrade, Sociology, University of Minho

Urban Arts at Risk: A Critical Sociology Debate on Urban Cultural Heritage Destruction, in the Case of the War on Ukraine

11:05  Voica Pușcașiu, Art History, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

This Is Where I Draw the Line: Creative Interventions on Public Monuments in the East of Europe and the Global South

11:25  Iuliia Eremenko, Political Science, University of Warsaw

Between Creativity and Conservation: The Dynamics of Street Art Expertise in World Heritage Hanseatic Cities in Poland and Germany


11:45-12:15 Q&A and discussion



                                                LUNCH 12:15-13:00



SESSION 2 Public Art and the Making of Urban Space


Chair: Tijen Tunali, Art History and Theory, University of Rennes 2

13:00 Leah Modigliani, Visual Studies, Tyler School of Art and Architecture 

Counter Revanchist Art, Infrastructures of Disorder, and the Open City

13:20 Anna Dempsey, Art History, University of Massachusetts

New Orleans’ Public Art Interventions: Focus on the Environment

13:40 Marisa Ferreira, Visual Arts, Royal College of Art London

Reimagining Public Art through Waste Matter and Spatial Justice


14:00-14:30 Q&A and discussion



                                    COFFEE BREAK 14:30-15:00



SESSION 3 Artistic Activism in Global South Public Spaces


Chair: Petr Vasat, Sociology,Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

15:00 Presenter could not secure visa.

15:20  Anna Helfer, Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin

Artistic Interventions in Dakar: Yataal Art, Its Claim for the City, and Its Aim  for Societal Sensitization through Urban Art

15:40 Presenter reported sick.

16:00-16:30 Q&A and discussion



                                             4 JUNE 2024



09:30-10:15 Artist Presentation: Kathryn Gohmert, Public Arts, Bauhaus University.

 Interaction, Connection and Memory in Public Arts



                                  COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:30



SESSION 4 Art and Urban Commons


Chair: Konstantinos Avramidis, Architecture, University of Cyprus

10:30 Mel Jordan, Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University and  Andrew      Hewitt, Art   and Design Research Centre, University of Northampton

From Culture-Led Regeneration to Culture-Led Re-Commoning

10:50 Presenter could not secure visa.

11:10 Konstantinos Avramidis, Architecture, University of Cyprus and Constantinos  Diamantis, Culture, Creative Media and Industries, the University of Thessaly

Shared and Invented Urban (Hi) Stories: Reflecting on the Creation of a Participatory Community Mural in Athens

11:30-12:00 Q&A and discussion



                                            LUNCH 12:00 -12:45



SESSION 5 Urban Conflicts and Artistic Struggles


Chair: Ilaria Hoppe, Art History and Theory, Katholische Privat-Universität Linz

12:45 Juan Carlos Guerrero-Hernández, Art History, University of Nevada – Reno

Street Art, DIWOY-O and Direct Action in 2021 Cali’s Social Outbreak

13:05 Oleksandra Nenko, Landscape Studies, University of Turku

Mitigating Displaced Place Identities of the Wartime Cities in Ukrainian Arts

13:25 Kerstin Nieman, Arts Management,University of Applied Sciences Potsda

Art, Migration and Placekeeping in a Single-Family Home Neighborhood in Detroit


13:45-14:15 Q&A and discussion



                                             COFFEE BREAK 14:15-14:30



SESSION 6 Contemporary Art, Urban Ecologies and Sustainable Futures


Chair: Anna Dempsey, Art History, University of Massachusetts

14:30  Hauke Ohls, Art History, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Art and the Urbanocene

14:50  Petr Vasat, Sociology,Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Persuasive Ecologies: Macro-Paintings in Latin America Between Situated and Durable More-than-Human Governance

15:10  Johannis Tsoumas, Art History, University of West Attica and Helen  Gemtou, Art History, National and Kadodistrian University of Athens

Momentary and Timeless: Examining the Ephemeral Monumentality of Tadashi Kawamata’s Urban Eco-art in-Situ Installations

15:30-16:00 Q&A and discussion



16:30-17:30 ONLINE BOOK PRESENTATION: Culture and Sustainable Development in the City: Urban Spaces of Possibilities

Sacha Kagan, editor, Transdisciplinary research on culture and sustainability, Universität Hildesheim


19:30-21:30 Conference Dinner at RestaurantZum Szültenbürger, Prinzenstraße 7, Göttingen





                                       5 JUNE 2024




10:16-10:35 ICE 73  Train from Göttingen Bahnhof/ZOB to Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe

11:00-14:00 Visiting the UNESCO site Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe and Castle with Museum

14:00-15:30 Lunch in the city

15:30-17:30 Street art walk

18:26-19:03 Return to Göttingen

Bus 100 Bus from Kassel Houbtbahnhof to Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe

ICE 276 Train from Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe to Göttingen Bahnhof/ZOB



                              PROGRAM 2023 


11 June 2023                                   

10H00 Welcome Remarks, Ahmad Al-Mousa, Senior Programs Manager,CGC Amman, Columbia University.

10H10 Opening Speech, Tijen Tunali, Mellon Fellow, Columbia University, Founder and Organizer of the Conference.

“Public Art’s Relationship to Democracy and Authoritarianism.”


10H30- 11H30 Artist Keynote, Catherine Clover, Multimedia Artist and Lecturer, Swinburne University of Technology.

“Listening, Walking and Languaging in the City: An Incomplete Field Guide to the Voices of the Birds of Amman.”


Session 1: StreetArts and Aesthetic Struggle in Diverse Urban Contexts

Chair: Tijen Tunali, Art History, Columbia University

11H30 Vittorio Parisi, Aesthetics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

“Weird as Aesthetic Struggle in Italian Street Art.”

11H50 Friederike Landau-Donnelly and Stefanie Friedrik, Cultural Geography, Radboud University.

“Writing the City Clean: Sketching a Conflictual Aesthetics of Street Art in Linz, Austria.”

12H10 Mareike Schwarz, Art History, Munich Lunwig-Maximilians University.

“Planting Commons! How Two Public Art Garden Projects in Berlin and Dakar are Growing Social and Ecological Cohesion.”

12H30-13H00 General Discussion     


                                       Lunch Break 13H30-14H00         


Session 2 Aesthetic Dissent and Artistic Intervention in the City

Chair:  Emre Cetin Gurer, Philosophy, Koc University

14H00 Jenna Altamonte, Art History, Mississippi State University

“Ephemeral Activism: Un/Making Images of Dissent.”

14H20 Juan Carlos Guerrero-Hernandez, Art History, Kalamazoo College.

“Activism, Language, and Resistance in La Nueva Banda de la Terraza’s Graffiti-Projections.”

14H40 Heiko Schmid, Art History, Zurich University of the Arts

 “Between Re-Construction and Subversion: Artistic Interventions in (digital) Infrastructure.”

15H00-15H30 General Discussion


                                             Coffee Break 15H30-16H00


Session 3: User Experience and Cultural Subversion in the Urban Landscape

Chair: Anna Dempsey, Visual and Performing Arts, University of Massachusetts

16H00 Pedro Soares Nevez, Architecture, Lisbon University

“Drawing and User Experience in Public Space Design in Lisbon.”

16H20 Maurice Rafael Magaña, Mexican American Studies, University of Arizona and Kyle Craig, Cultural Anthropology, Northwestern University

“Murals and Street Art as Technologies of Emplacement and Presence in Amman and Los Angeles.”

16H40 Moham Wang, Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University

“Performative Erasure and Urban Art in Singapore.”

17H00-17H30 General Discussion

17H30-18H30 Soundwalk by Catherine Clover in the King Hussein Park


                                                               12 June 2023


Session 4: Site-Specific Art and the Troubled Urban Space

Chair: Vittorio Parisi, Aesthetics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

10H00 Zohreh Soltani, Architectural History, Ithaca College

 "Speculative Heritage: Azadi Tower as a Solidarity Monument in Contemporary Tehran".

10H20 Panos Leventis, Architecture, Drury University

“Stencilling the Cyprus Divide: Identity, Trauma, and Urban Space, 2012-20.”

10H40 Joanna Matuszak, Art History, University of Texas at Tyler.

“Performing with Monuments: Site-Specific Performances in Moscow in the 1990s.”

11H00-11H30 General Discussion


                                        Coffee Break 11H30-12H00


Session 5:  Art and Protests in the City

Chair: Stepan Kachalin, Cultural History, CGC Amman, Columbia University

12H00 Milos Moskovljevic, Media and Communication, the City University of Hong Kong.

Linguistic Landscape of Hong Kong 2019-20 Protests: A Discourse Analysis of Political Graffiti,”

12H20 Emilia Jeziorowska, Art History, University of Wroclaw

“The Aestheticization of Occupy Movement during 2011-2012.”

12H40 Minji Chun, Art History, University of Oxford

“Protest as Artistic Intervention and Cultural Production: Cases of Seoul.”

13H00-13H30 General Discussion


                                         Lunch Break 13H30-14H00   



 Artist Keynote: Yazan Mesmar, Street Art Artist, Amman.

“Transforming Cities and Artists: The Impact of Bringing Art to the Streets.”


Session 6: Aesthetics and Politics of Street Art in Amman

Chair: Josepha Wessels, Arts and Communication, Malmö University

15H00 Wiam Koubia, Comparative Politics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

 “Redefining the Public Space: Street Art and Graffiti in Amman.”

15H20 Diana Zaid Habashneh, Arabic Studies, Abdallah Sami Abulouz, Social Anthropology.

“East-Amman Graffiti Scene in the Last 10 Years: A Critical Discourse Analysis.”

15H40 Majd Albaik, Architecture, The Hashemite University.

“The Impact of Graffiti Images on Image of the City and Visual Quality in Al Hashmi Al Shamali, Amman.”

16H00-16H030 General Discussion


Conference Dinner 19:30-22:00


                                                       13 June 2023



Guest Speaker: Rita AkroushCulture and Arts Projects Manager, Al Balad Theater, Co-Curator of Baldk Street Art Festival, Amman.

 “Baladk, 10 Years of Street Art Work”



Session 7: Street Art and Urban Communities in the City

Chair:  Tijen Tunali, CGC Amman, Columbia University

11H00 Konstantinos Pittas, Politics and International Studies, Cambridge University

“Redefining Community Through Art: Staging Antagonism in the Public Sphere.” 

11H20 Mercedes González Bracco, National Scientific and Technical Research Council, National University of San Martín.

“Community-based Street Art and the Dignification of Degraded Spaces. The Case of Isla Maciel.”

11H40 Petr Vašát, Social Anthropology, Humboldt University

“Transforming Communities with Colors: The Emergence and Development of Macroscale Paintings in Latin America.”

12H00-12H30 General Discussion


                                       Lunch Break 12H30-13H00  


Session 8 Urban Aesthetics and Spatial Justice

Chair: Eva Branscome, Architectural History, the Bartlett School of Architecture

13H00 Konstantinos Avramidis, Architecture and Landscape, University of Cyprus

“Mapping Topo-graphies Re-enacting Kessariani’s Graffiti in Three Acts.”

13H20 Daniel Palacios Gonzales, Ethnography, Birkbeck, University of London

“Memory and (Spatial) Justice in Spain: Aesthetic Struggles from Urban Ostracism.”

13H40 Andrea Baldini, Philosophy, Alliance University

“Bombing Inequality: Graffiti Writing and Spatial Justice.”

14H00-14H30 General Discussion


                                        Coffee Break 14H30-15H00


Session 9 Art and Authoritarian Power in the Urban Public Space

Chair:  Konstantinos Pittas, Politics and International Studies, Cambridge University

15H00 Asma Mehan, Architecture, Texas Tech University

 “Art as Resistance: A Case Study of the ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ Movement in Iran.”

15H20 Soufiane Chinig, Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin

 “Practices, Narratives, and Visual Politics of Graffiti and Street Art in Jordan and Morocco.”

15H40 Mansour A-Maswari, Political Science, CGC Amman, Columbia University

“War in Walls: A Critique to the Authoritarian Murals in the Wartime in Yemen.”

16H00-16H30 General Discussion

16H30-17H00 Closing Remarks by the Conference Organizer Tijen Tunali                                                    


                                           14 June 2023

07H00-22H00 Excursion to Petra and Wadi Rum. 


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